Na abertura do evento, às 17h30 desta quinta-feira (22), os familiares dos produtores rurais bem como profissionais da culinária tivemos a oportunidade de aprender a processar alimentos a partir dos produtos da terra, com a Aula Show do chef Alessandro Eller, apresentador de Apresenta a 07 anos o programa Sabor a Bordo exibido pela Tv Tribuna SBT ES e é coordenador do curso de Gastronomia da Universidade de Vila Velha - UVV que faz sucesso com pratos deliciosos com uso de produtos regionais. Eller ensinou, por exemplo, como transformar produtos cultivados na região, como o milho, a abóbora, e o aipim, em pratos especiais, que podem gerar bons negócios na cidade e no meio rural.
Primeiro prato da noite FILÉ DE FRANGO AO MOLHO DE MOSTARDA uma delícia e fácio de fazer. Para acompanhar a pedido do chef recomendei o
Vinho Argentino Branco Sauvignon Blanc Reserva LUIGI BOSCA 750ml
" O “Selvagem” dos brancos. Amarelo, com tons de aço brilhante, aromas a pessego branco, fruta da paixão, leves toques ervais, de acidez marcante. Refrescante, persistente em boca. Um vinho moderno, harmónico. Localização Geográfica: Comuna de Maipú, distante a 25 Km. ao Sul Leste da capital de Mendoza. Altitude 800m. sobre o nível do mar. Proprietário do vinhedo desde 1926. Clima: Outonos longos e invernos frios, verões temperados sem chuva, condições para a ótima maturação e grande corpo. Temperatura média estival 23°C, e temperatura média invernal 7°C. Temperatura mínima em inverno – 4°C. Precipitação anual 220mm. Solos: De origem alluvional. Franco areno calcáareo. Permeavel, suportado por grava e canto rodado. Bom drenagem inclinação 1% Oeste-Leste e 1% Sul-Norte. "
Servir a 8 graus.Segundo: GALINHA QUILOMBOLA
Granfinale esta deliciosa PAELLA MARINERA com camarão gigante de Vitória-ES, minha terra natal, da qual matei saudades.
Agradecemos a todos amigos e convidados que prestigiaram este momento raro em Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, que a partir de agora tambem sera um polo da gastronomia mundial. PARABENS A TODOS PATROCINADORES QUE TORNARAM ESTE EVENTO UMA REALIDADE EM NOSSA AMADA CIDADE.
Eduardo Crespo ressalta que a Agricultura Familiar no Brasil é responsável pela maioria da produção dos alimentos e responde por mais de 40% do valor bruto da produção agropecuária e suas cadeiras produtivas são responsáveis por 10% do PIB (Produto Interno Bruto).
- A Agricultura Familiar reúne 4,2 milhões de estabelecimentos familiares, que representam 84% dos estabelecimentos rurais e empregam 74% da mão-de-obra do campo. A Agricultura Familiar é responsável pela maioria dos alimentos na mesa dos brasileiros: 84% da mandioca que o brasileiro consome vêm da agricultura familiar, e da mesma forma, vem respectivamente o feijão (67%); a carne suína (54%; o milho (49%), dentre outros alimentos, como as aves, ovos e outros, que têm 40% de origem na produção da agricultura familiar. Por isso, o empenho da prefeitura em apoiar e fortalecer este segmento da atividade rural, que já tem como resultado prático um sensível aumento na produção de alimentos", enfatiza Eduardo Crespo.
DEDICO: Essa matéria ao meu professor chef Alessandro Eller.
Aprenda mais e ganhe saúde, com Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. Também matérias no Jornal Regiao em Foco, 20 programas já realizados na RADIO CONTINENTAL DE CAMPOS-RJ. com o PATROCINIO DO VINHO PERGOLA. Mais dicas, sorteios, duvidas, aulas particulares, cursos, palestras, viagens, confraria na sua casa ou empresa solicite aqui em tel 55 (22) vivo 9804-7780 claro 9237-0226 fixo 3056-0488 = plantão 24 hs 365 dias por ano. Agradeço = Thanks.
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The 1st Fair Agrofamiliar the North and Northwest Fluminense held in fields 22 to 24 March 2012, in Hall's Business Foundation Rural Field.Opening the event at 17:30 on Thursday (22), the families of farmers and culinary professionals had the opportunity to learn how to process food products from the land, with Class Show Chef Alessandro Eller, presenter Displays the 07 years of the program Maple flavor exhibited by SBT TV Tribuna ES and is coordinator of the Food, University of Vila Velha - UVV which makes success with delicious dishes using local products. Eller taught, for example, how to turn products grown in the region, such as corn, pumpkin, cassava and, in special dishes, which can generate good business in the city and in rural areas.First dish of the night STEAK SAUCE CHICKEN MUSTARD a delight and facio do. To accompany the chef recommended the applicationArgentinian White Wine Sauvignon Blanc Luigi Bosca Reserve 750ml"The" Wild "for whites. Yellow with shades of bright steel, aromas of white peach, passion fruit, herbal light touches, striking acidity. Refreshing, persistent mouth. A modern wine, harmonious. Geographic Location: Commune Maipu, distant 25 Km south east of the capital city of Mendoza. Altitude 800m. on the sea level. Owner of the vineyard since 1926. Climate: Long autumns and cold winters, temperate summers without rain, conditions for optimal maturation and major body. average summer temperature 23 ° C and winter temperatures average 7 ° C. Minimum temperature in winter - 4 ° C. Annual rainfall 220mm. Soils: Originally alluvional. Franco arene calcáareo. permeable, supported by records and turned the corner. Good 1% drainage slope west-east and 1% south-north. "
Serve at 8 degrees.Second: CHICKEN QUILOMBOLAGranfinale this delicious Paella with prawns MARINERA Vitória-ES, my hometown, which killed miss.WHAT DELICIA - HUUMMMMMMMMMM.We thank all friends and guests who attended this rare moment in Campos-RJ, which from now on also will be a hub of world cuisine. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THIS EVENT SPONSORS TO BECOME A REALITY IN OUR BELOVED CITY.
Eduardo Crespo notes that family farming in Brazil is responsible for most food production and accounts for more than 40% of the gross value of agricultural production and their chairs are responsible for 10% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
- The Family Farm collects 4.2 million family farms, which represent 84% of rural establishments and employ 74% of the labor-intensive field. The Family Farming is responsible for most of the Brazilian food on the table: 84% of cassava that are consuming the Brazilian family farms, and likewise, comes beans, respectively (67%), pork (54%, corn (49%), among other foods such as poultry, eggs and others who have a 40% rise in the production of family farming. Therefore, the city government's commitment to support and strengthen this segment of the rural activity, which already has the practical result of a significant increase in food production, "emphasizes Eduardo Crespo.Good learning and a toast to healthwith his Sommelier Eduardo Almeida Ferre,IN RESPECT TO OUR READERS INTERNATIONALWe will be posting in English BOTTOMDedicate: This story my teacher chef Alessandro Eller.
Learn more and get health with Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. It also matters in the Official Region in Focus, 20 programs ever attempted in CONTINENTAL RADIO FIELD-RJ. with PERGOLA SPONSORSHIP OF WINE. More tips, sweepstakes, no doubt, private lessons, courses, lectures, trips, fellowship in their home or business requests here tel 55 (22) Live course 9237-0226 9804-7780 3056-0488 = fixed call 24 hours 365 days a year. Thanks = Thanks.
Serve at 8 degrees.Second: CHICKEN QUILOMBOLAGranfinale this delicious Paella with prawns MARINERA Vitória-ES, my hometown, which killed miss.WHAT DELICIA - HUUMMMMMMMMMM.We thank all friends and guests who attended this rare moment in Campos-RJ, which from now on also will be a hub of world cuisine. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THIS EVENT SPONSORS TO BECOME A REALITY IN OUR BELOVED CITY.
Eduardo Crespo notes that family farming in Brazil is responsible for most food production and accounts for more than 40% of the gross value of agricultural production and their chairs are responsible for 10% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
- The Family Farm collects 4.2 million family farms, which represent 84% of rural establishments and employ 74% of the labor-intensive field. The Family Farming is responsible for most of the Brazilian food on the table: 84% of cassava that are consuming the Brazilian family farms, and likewise, comes beans, respectively (67%), pork (54%, corn (49%), among other foods such as poultry, eggs and others who have a 40% rise in the production of family farming. Therefore, the city government's commitment to support and strengthen this segment of the rural activity, which already has the practical result of a significant increase in food production, "emphasizes Eduardo Crespo.Good learning and a toast to healthwith his Sommelier Eduardo Almeida Ferre,IN RESPECT TO OUR READERS INTERNATIONALWe will be posting in English BOTTOMDedicate: This story my teacher chef Alessandro Eller.
Learn more and get health with Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. It also matters in the Official Region in Focus, 20 programs ever attempted in CONTINENTAL RADIO FIELD-RJ. with PERGOLA SPONSORSHIP OF WINE. More tips, sweepstakes, no doubt, private lessons, courses, lectures, trips, fellowship in their home or business requests here tel 55 (22) Live course 9237-0226 9804-7780 3056-0488 = fixed call 24 hours 365 days a year. Thanks = Thanks.
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