Que o vinho faz bem à saúde, nenhuma grande surpresa, o porquê é que não se sabia e virou fonte de pesquisa.
Desde 400 A.C. que as qualidades terapêuticas do vinho são conhecidas e exploradas a começar por Hipócrates, passando por Louis Pasteur, até aos dias de hoje.
Na verdade, já em 1819 um médico irlandês, Dr. Samuel Black, tinha observado fenômeno semelhante.
Em 1979 a revista The Lancet, publicou o “Estudo dos 18 países”, elaborado pelo Dr. Selwyn St
DEDICO: Essa matéria a enfermeira KATIA REGINA, por ser uma excelente profissional da saúde.
Aprenda mais e ganhe saúde, com Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. Também matérias no Jornal Regiao em Foco, 20 programas já realizados na RADIO CONTINENTAL DE CAMPOS-RJ. com o PATROCINIO DO VINHO PERGOLA = SEJA VOCẼ TAMBÉM UM PATROCINADOR DA SAÚDE. Mais dicas, sorteios, duvidas, aulas particulares, cursos, palestras, viagens, confraria na sua casa ou empresa solicite aqui em vinhosaude@bol.com.br tel 55 (22) vivo 9804-7780 claro 9237-0226 fixo 3056-0488 = plantão 24 hs 365 dias por ano. Agradeço = Thanks.
e ajude a dar mais saúde a quem vocẽ ama, igual a todas do icone patrocinio.
That wine is good for health, no big surprise, why is that no one knew and turned a research source.
From 400 BC to the therapeutic qualities of wine are known and explored beginning with Hippocrates, through Louis Pasteur, up to today.
Indeed, already in 1819 an Irish doctor, Dr. Samuel Black, had observed similar phenomenon.
In 1979 the Lancet published the "Study of 18 countries," prepared by Dr. Selwyn St
Good learning and a toast to health
Sommelier with your EDUARDO ALMEIDA Ferre,
We will be posting also in English BOTTOM
Dedicate: This field nurse KATIA REGINA, for being an excellent healthcare professional.
Learn more and get health with Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. It also matters in the Official Region in Focus, 20 programs already conducted in FIELDS OF CONTINENTAL RADIO-RJ. SPONSORSHIP OF WINE with PERGOLA = ALSO BE A SPONSOR YOU HEALTH. More tips, sweepstakes, doubts, tutoring, courses, lectures, trips, brotherhood in your home or business requests here vinhosaude@bol.com.br tel 55 (22) Live 9804-7780 clear 9237-0226 3056-0488 = fixed call 24 hours 365 days a year. Thanks = Thanks.
Whether you are also a sponsor
and help give better health to those you love, like all the sponsorship icon.
That wine is good for health, no big surprise, why is that no one knew and turned a research source.
From 400 BC to the therapeutic qualities of wine are known and explored beginning with Hippocrates, through Louis Pasteur, up to today.
Indeed, already in 1819 an Irish doctor, Dr. Samuel Black, had observed similar phenomenon.
In 1979 the Lancet published the "Study of 18 countries," prepared by Dr. Selwyn St
Good learning and a toast to health
Sommelier with your EDUARDO ALMEIDA Ferre,
We will be posting also in English BOTTOM
Dedicate: This field nurse KATIA REGINA, for being an excellent healthcare professional.
Learn more and get health with Sommelier Eduardo A. Ferré. It also matters in the Official Region in Focus, 20 programs already conducted in FIELDS OF CONTINENTAL RADIO-RJ. SPONSORSHIP OF WINE with PERGOLA = ALSO BE A SPONSOR YOU HEALTH. More tips, sweepstakes, doubts, tutoring, courses, lectures, trips, brotherhood in your home or business requests here vinhosaude@bol.com.br tel 55 (22) Live 9804-7780 clear 9237-0226 3056-0488 = fixed call 24 hours 365 days a year. Thanks = Thanks.
Whether you are also a sponsor
and help give better health to those you love, like all the sponsorship icon.